Message from Global President

PENTAX Medical's mission is to significantly improve outcomes of endoscopy procedures for patients worldwide. We enable that by providing best-in-class endo-imaging technologies and solutions to assist healthcare professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of disease in a timely, efficient and cost-effective manner.

At PENTAX Medical, we strive to put patients first in everything we do. This is demonstrated by the company’s core values which includes strong focus on quality and an effective partnership between our world leading engineers and healthcare professionals to develop solutions that are fit for purpose.

Over the past few years, PENTAX Medical has established itself as a company that develops products and services that adapt to unique clinical needs for healthcare professionals in various countries. Our effective collaboration with customers in over 120 countries worldwide has enabled us to create long-term partnerships and to build customer loyalty through exceptional service.

While our foremost responsibility is to the hundreds of thousands of patients we serve through our products and services, as a global company, we are also bound by our accountability towards customers, employees, regulators, shareholders and society.  We will continue to deliver our commitments by constant adherence to our mission and core values.

Global President

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