Grant and Donation Requests



The Requestor should:

  • Submit email request to the HOYA/PENTAX Grants Committee at
  • Submit a Letter of Request (LoR) on your letterhead, documenting your address and contact information.
  • Complete a Grant Request Form: (Grant Request Form attached). 
  • For educational grants and donations, submit a brochure, agenda, or description of the program. 
  • Include an itemized budget of expenses for the event.
  • Include a completed W-9 form and/or IRS letter documenting tax status. (W-9 form attached).

Grant Review

  • Time to review and respond to a grant request may vary (generally 45 days). To avoid delays, please provide complete and accurate documentation in a timely manner.
  • All grant requests should be submitted at least 60 days before the program/project begins.
  • Grants are limited to non-profit organizations, educational institutions, educational program vendors, medical foundations, and professional societies.
  • Availability of funds and/or equipment will be taken into consideration at the time of the request.
  • The Grants Committee will not consider requests:
    • for activities or events that have already occurred,
    • that lack well-defined objectives or are without scientific merit,
    • that PENTAX Medical would have undue influence or control over the selection or program content, faculty, educational methods, or materials,
    • made by an individual Requestor, rather than an entity or organization,
    • to fund entertainment,
    • to offset costs that the Requestor would ordinarily be expected to carry,
    • that, to our knowledge, has previously organized programs that were biased, lacked scientific rigor, or were otherwise substandard,
    • from anyone or any entity debarred, excluded, disqualified, or otherwise restricted from participating in federal health care programs, and
    • with missing or incomplete information, such that we are unable to fulfill federal and/or state transparency reporting obligations. 

Grant Status

  • The Requestor will be notified via email of PENTAX Medical’s decision upon completion of its review.
  • Upon approval of a grant request, PENTAX Medical and the Requestor shall execute a written agreement to formalize the grant arrangement. The grant will not be distributed until the written agreement has been fully executed.